5 Tips For a Perfect Smile Makeover

5 Tips For a Perfect Smile Makeover


Finding a cosmetic dentist in Turkey isn’t hard. Finding an experienced cosmetic dentist that you can absolutely trust makes a big difference!

Not to worry. We are here to give you information about the top dental restorative procedures and help you get that captivating smile.

For the purposes of this article, we refer to cosmetic dentistry in Turkey as improving the aesthetic appearance of your front teeth. Cosmetic dentistry would include teeth whitening, placing crowns or veneers on 4 to 8 of your front teeth (incisors). It includes just the top jaw or both top and bottom jaw.

Here are the top 5 tips to maximize your success:

#1 - Ensure that you have a functional bite in your molars

functional bite
We encounter many patients who want a full smile makeover just on their front teeth when they go to Turkey for cosmetic dentistry. This is common. However, you NEED good molar teeth that have a functional bite in order to get cosmetic dental work. Your molars have to be able to support your biting forces.

Likewise, you may not be able to proceed with cosmetic dentistry if you are missing major sections of your molars from previous extractions. What you may need isn’t just a simple smile makeover, but a full mouth reconstruction procedure.

Why are we telling you this? If your molars do not have a good functional bite and your tooth positions are not properly aligned, your new dental crowns or veneers would eventually fail within a short period of time.

We also would like to warn you of inexperienced or dishonest dentists in Turkey that would perform cosmetic dental work even if they know that your bite is not balanced. They just care about earning your money for the day and let you worry about the rework on your own.
Before you begin your cosmetic dentistry in Turkey, our dentists have to make sure that your bite is balanced.

If your bite is off, we have to work on your molars first. We know that this would involve extra cost, but it´s necessary to avoid any failure.

If you insist that you only want cosmetic dental work AND your molar bite is off, this would only ruin your teeth and double your cost due to rework.

#2 - Dental Veneers vs Crowns

Veneers vs Crowns
This has been an ongoing and contentious debate among dentists for cosmetic dentistry: veneers vs crowns.

Both cosmetic dentistry procedures accomplish the same thing – give you a perfect restorative Hollywood smile.

A veneer is a thinner porcelain material that goes in front of your teeth. The advantage of a veneer is that your cosmetic dentist does not have to remove as much tooth structure as a dental crown. The disadvantage of a veneer is that it is not as strong as a crown. They are more prone to chipping or dislodging. Two popular types of veneers if you want a translucent, natural-looking smile are porcelain veneers and zirconia veneers.

A crown is a porcelain or zirconia material that covers the entire tooth up to the gum line. The advantages of crowns are that they are stronger and last longer than veneers. The disadvantage of dental crowns is that they require the removal of more tooth structure compared to veneers.

For aesthetic dentistry, many dentists are biased towards dental crowns. Why? Dental tourism patients typically live far away. You cannot just conveniently drive a few blocks to see your local dentist if your veneers chip.

If done correctly by a highly experience dentisk, your dental crowns can last up 25 years or more.

Here are other reasons you would choose a crown:
  • If you are big and strong (strong bite)
  • If you play actively in sports
  • If you grind your teeth at night (bruxism)
However, if you are young and careful with your teeth, get veneers.

During the consultation, our dentist will provide you recommendation between a dental crown vs veneer based on the following factors:
  • Age / Tooth Anatomy
  • Lifestyle
  • Proximity to our dental practice
  • Dental conditions such as teeth grinding / bruxism
  • Your Goals

Both cosmetic dental procedures have their merits, but we will help you make the best decision.

#3 - Be meticulous with the color and translucency

choice teeth color and translucency
We can easily tell if someone received bad or cheap cosmetic dental work. The teeth hardly have any natural color or translucency. Typically, they are “snow white” with no natural shading or translucency.

Here is a scenario you want to avoid when going to Tirkey for cosmetic dentistry. You shop for a so-so dentist with the cheapest price. Then you ask your dentist for ultra-white, the whitest you have. Oh, and yes, can I get them the same day…?

This is a recipe for getting new teeth that look unnatural! Why rob yourself the opportunity to get a life-changing smile that people will adore and admire? For us in the dental industry, we can tell in 5 seconds that you have cheap crowns. For others, you just look a bit odd with unnatural looking white teeth.

Color. You can choose the whiteness of your teeth. Typically, the teeth color goes from A0, A1, A2, A3 and so on. A0 is super white. Before choosing A0, look for actual samples. You wouldn’t want to choose something for your cosmetic dentistry that you might regret. Most dental tourism patients choose the color A1 or A2 if they want really white teeth.

Translucency. More importantly, let´s discuss translucency. Translucency is the ability of a tooth to let natural light pass through. Natural teeth have good translucency.  The best dentists use dental labs that create high quality crowns and veneers that have natural translucency.
It is best not to choose ultra-white. If you want very white teeth, you can choose A1 or A2. We also match to the color of the rest of your teeth to give you the perfect natural look.

#4 - Avoid choosing the cheap crowns or veneers to maximize your savings

unnatural looking veneers
Unnatural looking teeth
If you compare the cosmetic dentistry Turkey costs vs the UK, the savings for a full upper cosmetic dental work between an average and a top dentist in Turkey doesn’t even amount to the savings you received with just one crown had your gone to your UK dentist.

Those Turkey dentists that offer cheap crowns may not be using high quality laboratories and materials. Not all porcelain materials are the same. Good brands have good translucency. Good laboratories take time to make your teeth look as natural as possible. That requires time.

Those dentists who brag that they own their own lab do not necessarily have the edge to complete your smile makeover. Top dental lab technicians are hard to find, you can’t just hire them to work in your back office. They may be able to deliver your crowns or veneers the same day, but it’s not the best quality.

Likewise, avoid choosing Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns (PFM) for your front teeth. They may be cheaper. But they impede translucency. Also, the metal on the crown may show as you age or if your gums recede. PFM crowns are primarily used for molar teeth.
We know that cosmetic dentistry is a life-changing experience.
We take pride in using only top quality dental materials for your cosmetic dentistry. We also use only the best dental labs that guarantee the most natural looking teeth.
We may not be the cheapest, but you get what you pay for.

#5 - For full upper and lower cosmetic dentistry consider going to a Prosthodontist

Prosthodontist visit
Prosthodontists use extra tools such as an articulator to capture your jaw movements. It helps create an accurate and functional design of your dental crowns or veneers for cosmetic dentistry.
How can you avoid new teeth that look too small or too big? Choose a trusted Prosthodontist.

Prosthodontists have extra years of training in teeth anatomy and balancing your bite. They generally have better training for cosmetic dentistry.

Choose a well-respected Prosthodontist in Turkey that has several years of experience. Find a dentist that owns his own dental practice. They are generally more successful and have more experience.

On the other hand, they are many other highly experienced general dentists in Turkey that can do excellent cosmetic dental work.
Cosmetic dentistry is not just about precise anatomy and measurements. It is also an art.

The dentist look at your facial features – shape and symmetry of your face, color of your skin, the smile line of your lips. He consider everything to get the exact size, shape, and color of your new teeth.

Experience is crucial to get as close to perfect as possible.

We can schedule you with a top dentist that will give you that perfect Hollywood smile.

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DentistryScanner is a UK-based Company Helping Find Qualified Dentists in Turkey
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