Full Arch Dental Implants in Turkey

With affordable dentists checked by a UK-based company
Dental tourist get full arch dental implants in Turkey


Full arch dental implants in Turkey are the best cost-saving solution for people with:

  • partially or fully missing teeth
  • badly broken down or decayed teeth
  • teeth compromised due to gum disease

The prosthetic system consists of 6 vertical implants supporting a fixed bridge.

Full arch dental implants are suitable for all jaw bone types and age groups.

Timeline: two trips, 3 & 7 days

Trip 1 - 3 Days

Healing Time 4-6 Months

Trip 2 - 7 Days

Full Arch Dental Implants Cost

Singe Jaw Packages Included
Panoramic X-Rays
6 Vertical Implants
6 Abutments
Temporary Prosthesis
12-Unit Fixed Bridge
Bone Grafting if needed
Tooth Extraction if needed
All Necessary Medicines
Accommodation for 2 Visits
Airport Transfer for 2 Visits
Language Support
Teeth and gums made from a single piece of zirconium
Teeth and gums made of porcelain fused to a metal frame
Composite teeth, acrylic gums, metal frame

Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost

Full Mouth Packages Included
Panoramic X-Rays
12 Vertical Implants
12 Abutments
Temporary Prosthesis
Two 12-Unit Fixed Bridges
Bone Grafting if needed
Tooth Extraction if needed
All Necessary Medicines
Accommodation for 2 Visits
Airport Transfer for 2 Visits
Language Support
Teeth and gums made from a single piece of zirconium
Teeth and gums made of porcelain fused to a metal frame
Composite teeth, acrylic gums, metal frame

Dental Trip Process

Send us your X-ray (if available) + photos of your teeth via our "Free Consultation" button to book a consultation time and get advice about the suitable treatment.
Tips to get dental photos at home.
Treatment Plan & Scheduling
After the consultation, you will get several variants of treatment plans for different budgets.
When you will choose a treatment plan, contact us to agree on the trip date and get all necessary recommendations.
Flight & Transfer
Book a two-way ticket to the Istanbul Airport (IST or SAW) by yourself at least two
weeks in advance, and tell us the booking dates.
We will book a hotel for you in the vicinity of the clinic and arrange the
arrival/departure airport transfer.
You will have a room at a 4-star or 3-star hotel. Your first visit to the clinic will
take place the next day after your arrival, so you will have time to relax after the
flight. If you want to bring guests with you, please let us know in advance, and we
will book suitable rooms and include them in your bill.
First Consultation at the Clinic
Our dentists will examine you and make an X-ray, then they will revise and discuss
the treatment plan with you one more time. After that we can sign a medical
agreement and start the treatment with your consent.
You have to pay for your treatment before it starts. If your treatment requires
several visits, then you pay in instalments. It is best to pay in cash. If you want to
pay by card, the cost will be increased by 10% + a 3% bank commission.
The treatment process proceeds according to the steps described above.
During the treatment, you will receive all the necessary medicines and
recommendations from the dentist.
Meals During Treatment
If your treatment involves a special diet, then we can arrange the delivery of food
to your hotel (at an additional charge). Or you can eat at restaurants following the
dentist's dietary recommendations.
5 years warranty on all dental work such as implants, veneers or crowns.

The warranty is valid under condition that you:

  • Perform the general oral hygiene
  • Follow the post-treatment instructions from the dentist
  • Have a routine dental check-up and professional cleaning at least once a year

About Us

DentistryScanner is a UK-based Company Helping Find Qualified Dentists in Turkey
Own network of pre-vetted dentists
Zero-Mistake Policy applied to dentists
Treatment according to YOUR needs

Let's Discuss and Quote Your Treatment

30 minutes video or phone call


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Alternative Treatment