7 Reasons Why Implants Are The Best Tooth Replacement Options

7 Reasons Why Implants Are The Best Tooth Replacement Options


If you’re looking for a tooth replacement option that offers more than just aesthetic value, then dental implants are definitely worth considering.

Due to the slow economy, many people postponed getting tooth replacements after their extraction in the UK. Many dental professionals in the UK perform tooth extractions each day without some kind of tooth replacement such as dental implants. It’s understandable given the high cost of a tooth implant.

Fortunately, you have the option of travelling to Turkey for affordable dental implants.

Aside from cheap prices, below are more reasons why you should avoid postponing your tooth implant surgery.

#1 - Preserve your facial features

Sounds shocking? Yes, it’s true, implants help preserve your facial structure.
People with missing teeth could experience a slow collapse in their lips and cheeks.
You need a tooth root or dental post to preserve your mouth bone structure. If you don’t have proper dental bone, your facial muscles would not have much support to maintain their current structure.

#2 - Stop your dental bone loss with dental post

After your teeth are extracted, your mouth bones in that area start to recede. Oral bone loss over time causes several issues, include adjacent tooth mobility. Bone loss can get worse with age and may decrease your chances of getting a full mouth restoration procedure.

Severe bone loss, such as those that could result from wearing removable dentures for many years, could cause your inability to get all on 4 dental implants in the future. With severe bone loss, you can bite on something hard and break your jaw bone

#3 - Prevent loss of other teeth

If you lose a tooth, you are prone to lose adjacent teeth due to dental bone resorption and teeth movement. The titanium post will help prevent bone loss. The implant crown also helps prevent the teeth movement.

#4 - Prevent tooth movement

If you lose a bottom molar (such as tooth number 3), the adjacent teeth could start to move to close the gap where an existing tooth used to be. Teeth movement could compromise your bite, which could give you TMJ, moderate periodontitis, gum recession. TMJ issues can cause headaches, back pain, or even locked jaws.

Overtime, minor tooth movement can cause gaps in your teeth where food can get stuck causing periodontal problems that give you bad breath, bleeding gums, bad mouth taste issues.

#5 - Restore your self-esteem and confidence with implanted teeth

Well, we live in an age when people judge you by your oral health. Your teeth stand out, especially if you are out dating or applying for a job.

#6 - Have a better digestion

One of the benefits of dental implants is proper chewing of food. Chewing food is so important for better digestion of food. With better digestion, you get better absorption of nutrients.

The permanent tooth replacement allows you to chew your food just like your regular tooth. With better chewing, your steak would taste so much better as well.

#7 - Maintain your phonetics

Replace your missing tooth to maintain proper phonetics, or how you pronounce words. We hear this complaint from our clients who say they have a hard time pronouncing words due to their missing teeth.
Implants, if installed properly, are a lifetime investment in your oral health. Most health care professionals agree that it should rank high in priority to maintain your health and well-being.

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