Am I a Good Candidate for Full Mouth Reconstruction?

Am I a Good Candidate for Full Mouth Reconstruction?


check teeth for full mouth reconstruction
Are you tired of looking in front of the mirror, wondering what you would look like if you had all your teeth present? Do you really need to skip eating that delicious steak you’ve been craving for days because it’s too hard? Are you having difficulty chewing?

Are you constantly worried about bad breath? Lastly, do you want to step up and improve your overall oral health?

Worry not, a full mouth rehabilitation procedure might be the solution to your dental problem.

Full mouth reconstruction involves rehabilitating your teeth, bite, and jaw muscles to improve the overall esthetics, function, and health of your entire oral system.

It sounds overwhelming, right? This type of treatment is usually reserved for patients who have suffered a complex combination of dental problems.

Expect that the procedure may be quite invasive and time-consuming. Plus, this is not one-size-fits-all. The expense and duration of the treatment will depend on the complexity of your case.

So the question is: “Am I a good candidate?” No worries, we got you covered. We’ve compiled some reasons you should consider undergoing a full mouth reconstruction.

So let’s jump in:

Dental Problems that Might Warrant Full Mouth Reconstruction

#1 - You have advanced periodontal disease

Stage of Periodontal Disease
Stage of Periodontal Disease.
If you’re suffering from bleeding and swollen gums, chances are you don’t need a full mouth reconstruction. The good thing is, gingivitis is reversible and can be treated using non-invasive procedures such as oral prophylaxis or scaling and root planing.

Periodontitis is a bacterial infection of the gums that can destroy the supporting structures of your teeth, including the bones and connective tissues. It is irreversible – that’s why full mouth reconstruction is indicated, especially if you suffer from severe tooth mobility and bone loss.

In cases like this, your dentist will likely recommend a combination of surgical and non-surgical procedures, such as pocket reduction surgery, bone grafting, or full mouth dental implants, to restore your optimal oral health.

#2 - You have lost most or all of your teeth

Are you missing any tooth on the upper or lower teeth quadrants?

Missing teeth is an all too common problem yet most people don’t realize the implications it has on their oral health. In addition to the obvious cosmetic concerns, do you know that missing teeth can also lead to a number of other problems?

Shifting teeth: When you lose a tooth, the remaining teeth will gradually shift to fill the gap. This can cause your bite to become misaligned, which can lead to a number of other problems, such as tooth loss and TMJ disorder.

Bone loss: The teeth roots play an important role in stimulating the jawbone and keeping it healthy. When you lose a tooth, the bone around the tooth root begins to deteriorate. This can eventually lead to bone loss in the jaw, which can make your face appear sunken.

Gum disease: One of the primary functions of the teeth is to keep the gums healthy and free from bacteria. When you lose a tooth, the gum tissue around the tooth can become irritated and inflamed, which can eventually lead to periodontal disease.

#3 - You have suffered an injury to your mouth or jaws

From a bad fall to a serious car accident, there are many situations in which you may end up dealing with a traumatic oral injury. Yes, this is indeed scary for anyone to handle.

Traumatic injury rehabilitation using full mouth reconstruction

A traumatic mouth injury will likely require more than just a simple filling or tooth extraction. A full mouth reconstruction is indicated not only to restore aesthetics but also to restore oral function and strength.

Not all full mouth reconstruction procedures involve removing all your teeth. To restore your optimum oral health, your dentist may recommend one of the following procedures in combination:

  • Dental Crowns to cap broken or damaged teeth
  • Root Canal to restore teeth that have decay or damage at the root level
  • Single Implants to replace a single tooth or missing sections of the mouth
  • Bone Grafting to rebuild jawbone for dental implants
  • Dental Bridges to replace missing sections of the mouth; bridges are supported by either existing teeth or dental implants.

#4 - You have worn down your teeth from clenching or grinding (bruxism)

If you are constantly having jaw or muscle pain and you’ve noticed that some parts of your teeth have already worn out, then you might be suffering from the effects of chronic bruxism.

Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding, can be caused by stress.

It can be alleviated by undergoing a full mouth rehabilitation procedure. Full mouth rehabilitation is the treatment that will be most effective especially if the problem involves the oral muscles and the structures of your mouth.

It involves stabilizing your bite so the dentist can restore the teeth to match the muscles and the joints. When your teeth and muscles are in harmony, your jaw is able to relax and function more efficiently.

Your treatment can be a full mouth crown restoration. This procedure involved placing crowns on each tooth to restore your proper bite. It also gives you that perfect Hollywood look.

After, your dentist may fabricate a night appliance or a mouth guard to prevent your teeth from grinding at night.

#5 - You have a severe bite problem (also known as malocclusion)

Types of Malocclusion
Types of Malocclusion.
Do you have a severe bite problem? Overprotruding teeth, underbite, or an open bite? These are all examples of malocclusion, which is a misalignment of the teeth.

One strong indication that you have a severe bite problem is when the upper and lower teeth no longer touch when you bite down.

Improper jaw position is implicated in a number of serious health problems, such as headaches, neck pain, and TMJ disorders.

A full mouth reconstruction can be done to correct the jaw position, thus improving your bite and enhancing your appearance.

#6 - You have a birth defect that has affected the development of your teeth and jaws

The most common congenital defect is hypodontia. It’s when teeth fail to develop and do not erupt at all. You may be missing one tooth, several teeth, or in the case of anodontia when no teeth develop at all. 

But don’t worry, a full mouth restoration can help you achieve your dream smile. Treatment for congenitally missing teeth is the same for any missing tooth: Dental implants, bridges, partial dentures, and full dentures.

You may also need a full mouth reconstruction if you were born with a cleft palate or other birth defects that have affected the development of your teeth and jaws. A cleft palate is a congenital defect that occurs when the roof of the mouth does not form properly.

Depending on the case, patients may benefit from alveolar bone grafting to build up the jawbone in preparation for dental implants. Oral rehabilitation using dental implants can improve the function and aesthetics of the teeth for patients with cleft palate.

However, in cases where alveolar bone grafting is not applicable, dentures are the imperative solution.

#7 - You have teeth that are short, chipped, cracked, or severely discoloured

Your dentist will perform a thorough examination of your teeth to determine whether the problem is fixable with restorative dentistry alone, or if you need to replace some or all of your teeth with dental implants.

Here are samples of cases that can be treated with full mouth reconstruction:
  • Teeth that are short or misaligned can be treated by crowns and/or bridges.
  • Teeth that are missing can be replaced by dentures, bridges, or dental implants
  • Teeth that are heavily stained can be replaced with crowns and veneers.

A Guide to Full Mouth Reconstruction

The different procedures involved in full mouth reconstruction will substantially depend on your needs.

The thing is, you don’t have to wait until all your teeth are in bad shape to undergo a full mouth rehabilitation procedure.

It is often better to address dental problems sooner rather than later. The longer you wait, the more likely your dental problems will become severe, difficult, and expensive to treat.

Step-by-step procedure during a full mouth reconstruction:
The different procedures involved in full mouth reconstruction will substantially depend on your needs.

The thing is, you don’t have to wait until all your teeth are in bad shape to undergo a full mouth rehabilitation procedure.

It is often better to address dental problems sooner rather than later. The longer you wait, the more likely your dental problems will become severe, difficult, and expensive to treat.
Step-by-step procedure during a full mouth reconstruction:
Initial Consultation
Your dentist will discuss the problem, cover the basics of your oral health and dental treatment. During this consultation, be sure to ask any questions that you have about the procedure.
Assessment & Examinations
Full examination on patient's teeth, gums, and jawbone are conducted. This will determine the severity of the case, what procedures are required and how to best approach the treatment.
Custom Treatment Plan
Based on the information gathered, your dentist will establish the detailed plan of the procedure including the cost, the timeline, and what to expect.
Preparatory Phase
Focuses on creating a healthy foundation for your new teeth. This may include procedures such as gum disease treatment, tooth extractions, or bone grafting.
Restorative Phase
Focuses on restoring your teeth. This may include procedures such as:
  • Single Dental Implants
  • All on 4 Implants
  • Fixed Hybrid Dentures
  • Snap-on Dentures
  • Crowns
  • Bridges

Benefits that Come with Full Mouth Reconstruction

There are a number of benefits that come with full mouth reconstruction, such as:

Restored chewing function: Most notably, the best advantage that a full mouth reconstruction can give you is the improved ability to chew.
The procedures involved in full mouth reconstruction will give you a permanent teeth replacement that feels and functions just like your original teeth.

Improved appearance: Full mouth reconstruction combines the science and overall esthetics of your smile. The harmony of your teeth, gums, muscles, and jawbones are all taken into consideration.
A good dentist can fabricate a teeth replacement that fits the symmetry of your facial structure.

Improved oral health: Full mouth reconstruction will address any oral health issues. This includes treating gum disease or doing root canal therapy to repair a damaged tooth.

Improved self-esteem: Beautiful smile = increased self-esteem. Other people wouldn’t know the difference between your newly restored smile and natural teeth unless you told them.

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