Briefly About Commonly Used Dental Crowns in Turkey

Briefly About Commonly Used Dental Crowns in Turkey

Types of Crowns by Purpose

Cosmetic and Functional crowns are two classes of restoration to repair damaged teeth. The difference between the two lies in their purpose and cost.

Cosmetic Restoration Crowns correct cosmetic issues like misshapen, discolored, or chipped teeth.
Cosmetic crowns include:
  • All Porcelain Crowns
  • Emax Crowns
  • Zirconia Crowns

Functional Restoration Crowns are for restoring the functionality and structure of a tooth.
Functional crowns include:
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.
  • All Porcelain Crowns
  • Emax Crowns
  • Zirconia Crowns

Depending on the aesthetic preferences, strength, and oral health, your dentist in Turkey will recommend one of the following types of crowns:

Types of Crowns by Material

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns (PFMs)

pfm crowns
Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns (PFM crowns) are metal crowns with a layer of porcelain fused on the metal. This makes them almost as durable as pure metal crowns but a lot more esthetic.

PFMs have been used successfully for over 50 years, and their durability has been extensively evaluated.

PFM crowns have less appealing characteristics due to the metal fused over the crown. Top dentists recommend PFM crowns for rear teeth replacement.

Advantages of PFM:
  • Matches the color of your teeth
  • These are the cheapest of all the other crowns
  • Primarily used to restore teeth in non-visible sections of the mouth

On average, PFM crowns can be expected to last from 7-15 years.

All Porcelain Crowns

porcelain crowns
All-Porcelain Crowns are the most widely used type of crown for their natural look and metal-free composition. They strike the perfect balance between durability and affordability.

All-Porcelain crowns have water-thin layers (around 0.5 mm). This makes them the gold standard among cosmetic dentists.

They’re able to mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth.

Top dentists often recommend all-porcelain crowns for front teeth restorations due to their translucency and natural teeth color.

Advantages of All-Porcelain:
  • Less tooth abrasion
  • Biocompatible and metal-free
  • Resistant to staining
  • Ideal choice for people with metal allergies
  • No black hue around the gumline
  • Provides the best natural teeth color match
  • Ideal for front teeth restorations

All-Porcelain crowns can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years.

Zirconia Crowns

zirconia crowns
There’s another type of crowns rapidly making its way into the dental industry – zirconia crowns.

Zirconia crowns are made from a solid block of zirconium oxide, which is a white crystalline oxide of zirconium.

Zirconium oxide is the strongest type of dental material. Given the superiority of the material itself, you can expect the cost of these crowns to be higher than the other two.

Advantages of Zirconia:
  • Highly translucent and blends with the natural teeth
  • Resistant to staining
  • Stronger than porcelain
  • Biocompatible and metal-free
  • Lasts longer than porcelain
  • Can withstand wear and tear without chipping
  • Can tolerate biting forces and bruxism

With proper care, you can expect your zirconia crowns to last anywhere from 15 to 30 years.

Emax Crowns

emax crowns
The Emax crowns are a type of all-ceramic restoration made of lithium disilicate. These crowns combine the strength and aesthetics of porcelain with the affordability of PFMs.

Top cosmetic dentists in Turkey use Emax crowns for front and back teeth restorations.

One of the greatest assets of these crowns are their luster and translucency, which can be masterfully adjusted to replicate the look of your natural tooth.
As a result, your restoration is barely noticeable.

Advantages of Emax:
  • Great aesthetic
  • Resistant to staining
  • Biocompatible and metal-free
  • Lasts longer than porcelain
  • Resistant to chipping, cracking, and breaking
  • Can tolerate biting forces and bruxism

You can expect your Emax crowns to last more than 20 years with proper care.

Why Are Cheap Crowns Not Worth It?

Low Quality Crowns
Low Quality Crowns
Since crowns are important to maintaining and protecting the underlying teeth, it is best practice to ensure that the crowns you select hold the strength long term and don’t as easily wear off or corrode.

Features of a good dental crown:
  • Excellent fit with surrounding teeth and gum line
  • Has proper seal to preserve the tooth
  • Comfortable bite and symmetrical shape
  • Crown color blends in with your natural teeth

Features of bad dental crowns:
  • Crown needs to be replaced frequently and fail sooner than expected
  • Ill-fitting crowns that are easily dislodged
  • Might cause bad breath, tooth sensitivity, or tooth loss
  • Have improper seal that allows the flow of saliva and bacteria to damage the tooth root
  • Gums can become infected due to bacteria buildup
  • Over contoured crowns that may cause gum infection, jaw discomfort, and joint pain
  • Poor color matching between the crown and natural tooth
  • Open margins on crowns

Most of the bad dental crown works are done by unqualified dentists who cut corners on crown materials and proper installation.
You get what you pay for.
Be wary of dentists offering an incredibly low price for a crown.
It may seem like a good deal, but you could actually spend more because of costly rework.

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