Everything You Need To Know Before Getting Veneers

Everything You Need To Know Before Getting Veneers

Overview of Veneers

veneers placing
Veneers is essentially thin coverings placed over your existing teeth. They are made from medical-grade porcelain or zirconia material and are fabricated to match your natural teeth’ color, translucency, and shape.

They are ideal for people who have chipped, cracked, misshapen, excessively stained, or injured teeth. Or if you simply want to achieve that celebrity-esque smile, then veneers are for you.

The procedure of getting veneers is relatively simple:

1. Your first visit will involve the preparation of the teeth by lightly reducing the teeth to change their shape. Your cosmetic dentist will choose the right colors and specifications to match your natural teeth.

Once your teeth are prepared, your dentist will take an impression of them and send the measurements to a laboratory where your custom veneers will be made. In the meantime, you will be given temporary veneers to wear for 7-10 days or until your next appointment.

2. On your second visit, the temporary veneers will be removed, and your new, permanent veneers will be cemented into place. See? Your amazing Hollywood smile is just two weeks short!

Are Veneers Permanently Fixed?

First, let’s tackle the big question – are veneers permanent or removable? The answer is that veneers are semi-permanent and not forever.

Okay, you must be thinking, “What does that mean?”.

Well, the procedure of installing veneers is not reversible.

You can’t get back the original size and shape of your teeth if you don’t like the results of your smile makeover.

Why? Because the process of installing veneers involves etching a minimum portion of your natural tooth to make space for the dental veneer shell.

What’s your best bet if you don’t like the outcome of your veneer? Find a top cosmetic dentist to redo the work to achieve that perfect smile you desire.

You should be provided with a detailed plan, including the teeth numbers, budget frame, and smile desires.

What are No Prep Veneers?

As the name suggests, no prep veneers do not require the removal of any tooth structure. This means that your natural tooth will not be altered, filed, or shaved down.

Sounds good so far, right?

But not all patients can be candidates for no prep veneers. Top cosmetic dentists know that most teeth need some time of prep work to achieve the desired results.

So if your cosmetic dentists have discouraged you from getting no prep veneers, they are likely doing so because:
  • You have crooked or misaligned teeth.
  • Traditional veneers are 0.5 mm in thickness. It will add a noticeable bulk to your teeth if they are not prepped first.

Can I Go Back To My Natural Teeth?

Even no prep veneers are not reversible. Why? Because your dentist uses a strong bonding material to attach no prep veeners.

There might be some slight damage to your original teeth if you ask them to remove the veneers. because they have to carefully remove the bonding or cement material from your teeth.
You might need a new set of veneers after.

Longevity of Veneers

Dental veneers is not the average “quick fix.” They are a long-term investment in your smile.

Yet, one of the questions we typically encounter is whether veneers normally fall off or break.

The answer is no. It shouldn’t, and it doesn’t happen often.

As we mentioned, the bond between your tooth and veneer is incredibly strong. In fact, it’s so strong that once they’re placed, you can pretty much treat your veneers like your natural teeth.

But you should know that your cosmetic dentist’s skill in placing the veneers is just as important as the quality of the veneer material itself.

Types of Ceramic Veneers

Emax Veneers

Emax veneers are made from high-strength ceramic material. The minimum thickness is between 0.3mm – 0.5 mm which is a lot thinner compared to other conventional veneers.

One of the greatest assets of these veneers is their luster and translucency, which can be masterfully adjusted to replicate the look of your natural tooth.

As a result, your restoration is barely noticeable.
Another strong asset of Emax veneers is the preservation of the tooth’s natural structure.

Only a small portion of the enamel needs to be extracted which allows for more flexibility.
It’s also substantially stronger and can last more than 20 years with proper care.

Zirconia Veneers

There’s another type of veneer rapidly making its way into the dental industry – zirconia veneers.

Zirconia veneers are made from a solid block of zirconium oxide, which is a white crystalline oxide of zirconium.

Most cosmetic dentists recommend Zirconia veneers for the following reasons:
  • Resistant to staining
  • Stronger than porcelain veneers
  • Safe and biocompatible
  • Highly translucent and blends with the natural teeth
  • Lasts longer than porcelain veneers

With proper care, you can expect your zirconia veneers to last anywhere from 15 to 30 years.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers have water-thin layers (around 0.5 mm). This makes them the gold standard among cosmetic dentists.

They’re able to mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth.

But how long do porcelain veneers last?

Porcelain veneers can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. Below are the following advantages of porcelain for your knowledge:
  • Less tooth abrasion
  • Biocompatible
  • Stain-free

The secret lies in the composition of porcelain. Porcelain is glass-like on the surface, and it’s inherently durable. But that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible. Teeth grinding (bruxism), clenching, smoking, and excessive biting of nails can all damage your veneers.

Common Questions

Do your teeth rot with veneers?
No. Veneers work as teeth covers to protect your teeth from external factors, but they cannot prevent your teeth from rotting internally. We recommend that any patient with veneers maintain good dental hygiene habits and regular dental visits.

Do veneers ever come off?
Veneers shouldn’t come off on their own. They tend to adhere firmly to teeth for 10 years or so.
But conservatively speaking, veneers can become loose over time and come off with excessive force.

How long do permanent veneers last?
The longevity of permanent veneers will vary from person to person. For example, if you smoke or drink heavily, your veneers may not last as long as someone who doesn’t.
Also, any underlying dental conditions, such as gum disease, can affect how long your veneers will last.
In general, most permanent veneers can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years with proper care.
Veneers are a great way to improve the look of your smile, but as mentioned, the process of doing it is not reversible.

That’s why it’s so important to think it through and talk with a qualified cosmetic dentist to make sure veneers are the best option for you.

Let’s discuss your dental situation and schedule you with a Turkey dentist you can trust.

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