Get a ‘Zirconia’ Smile in Turkey

Get a ‘Zirconia’ Smile in Turkey

What is Zirconia?

smile with zirconia crowns
We are all familiar with the phrase “Diamonds are forever”. Diamonds are, of course, one of the hardest and most precious stones on Earth. They also happen to be extremely costly.

What if you were able to replicate the properties of a diamond?

You would certainly consider the idea. Anything that can incorporate relatively diamond-like physical attributes must really possess superior physical and esthetic properties. What if you were told that there is such a material, known as Zirconia?

In fact, you’ll be dazzled by sparkles of Zirconia when you walk into a jewelry store. What you see on display are mostly cubic Zirconia for big stones. For security reasons, many don’t display real diamonds on the jewelry settings. Once you buy an engagement ring for example, they will replace the cubic zirconium on the setting with a real diamond.

Zirconium is derivative of a naturally occurring mineral called “baddeleyite” found on Earth. Zirconia is zirconium dioxide, which can be made into many forms. A certain cubic structure of zirconia, known as cubic zirconia, resembles diamonds, hence its diamond-like esthetics.

What is Zirconia dentistry?

milling zirconia crowns
Aside from jewelry, Zirconia has found its way into numerous applications. Most notably are dental crowns made of Zirconium Dioxide, also known as Zirconia Crowns (or Zirconia Caps). Zirconia is pure white in color in its original form, making it ideal for dental restorations.

In the current era of glamour and fashion, the smile holds tremendous value to one’s self-esteem. People are growing increasingly wary of their esthetic appearance, paying most attention to their hair, skin and yes, their teeth. After all, no amount of cosmetics can hide an unpleasant smile due to damaged teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry involving Zirconia Crowns has played a major role in this regard to introduce a new technology and enhance the beauty of people’s smiles.

Zirconium material used in the following dental procedures:
  • Single tooth crown restorations.
  • Dental bridges.
  • Single tooth dental implant restorations.
  • Hybrid dentures supported by implants.

Why choose Zirconia Crowns vs PFM Crowns?

zirconia crown vs pfm crown
When considering esthetic or restorative dental treatment for damaged or decayed teeth, the role of porcelain crowns has played a vital role for millions.

Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) crowns are simply dental restorations made of porcelain layered over metal alloy. They are capped over damaged teeth to restore their strength, durability, function and esthetics.

Since porcelain gives a similar appearance to natural tooth structure, it is widely used by many dentists.

There are, however, certain disadvantages of PFM Caps compared to Zirconia Caps.

Advantages of Zirconia over Porcelain Fused to Metal Teeth:
Material Comparison
Advantages of Zirconia
Disadvantages of PFM
Stronger. You can step on a solid zirconia crown, but they won’t break.
Can break with improper use.
No Corrosion. It doesn’t use metal.
The metal base of PFM’s may corrode over time or cause a sensitivity reaction to the gums of some patients.
Better Biocompatibilty. Some people don’t like to have metals in their mouth.
Many holistic dentists and naturopathic doctors also advise against Porcelain on Metal crowns because of the metal content.
No Gum Discoloration.
PFM’s can cause discoloration of surrounding gums.
Discoloration of Gums
Better Aesthetics. They have more translucency than porcelain, making them ideal for cosmetic dentistry.
The metal base in PFM caps has the tendency to be exposed over the years as the gums recede, giving a dark gray outline beneath the gums. Furthermore, to cover for the dark metallic base, porcelain has to be made more opaque and layered thicker over the crown. This makes them slightly less translucent that Zirconia.

What are the two types of Zirconium crowns?

It’s important to be aware that they are two types of Zirconium Crowns:

Type 1: Porcelain Crown Fused to Zirconia Base
Among the two types, Zirconia Porcelain Crown is more commonly installed by Turkey dentist. Instead of using metal for the base, such as with PFM, the dentist uses Zirconia as the base. The lab then adds Porcelain on top of the base to give the crown it’s dental anatomy. Porcelain is easier to shape than hard Zirconium.

Type 2: Solid Zirconia / All Zirconia Crown
Solid Zirconia Crowns are entirely made of Zirconia. Usually, these caps are made by CAD-CAM machines. CAD-CAM machines shape a zirconium block to match the shape of the tooth. Solid Zirconia is more expensive because it uses more Zirconia than it’s other counterpart.

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