How to Take Dental Photos at Home

How to Take Dental Photos at Home

Video Guide

  • Use the rear camera of your phone
  • Take in-focus close photos
  • Have a good lighting or use a flash
  • Use a friend to help you take your photos
  • Find some plastics spoons around your home to help move the cheeks out of the way

Head Photos

Frontal Relaxed Photo – look straight ahead as if you are taking a photo for an ID.

Frontal Smiling Photo – stay in the same position with a nice natural smile.

Side Photo – turn 90 degrees to the left, take your hair away from your face and
pull it behind your ear so that we can see your jawline.

Central Photo of Teeth

Move your cheeks away from your teeth and make sure you are biting down normally as you take these photos.

Right Photo of Teeth

Take a spoon, put it in on the right side, keep the camera maximally close to the spoon.

Left Photo of Teeth

Take a spoon, put it in on the left side, keep the camera maximally close to the spoon.

Upper Photo of Teeth

Chin up, open wide, so that you can see the biting surface.

Lower Photo of Teeth

Tilt your chin down, try to keep the tongue out of the way, and you will snap a good photo.

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