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Implant's Brand: is it Important?

Implant's Brand: is it Important?

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Generic Brands

Top Brands

Generic Brands

dental implants brands
Many people pride themselves on being frugal and buying generic brands for items to save money. This is a great practice for a lot of things like grocery items and even many medications.

But sometimes you’re not just paying for a brand name, you’re paying for the history, reliability, longevity and quality assurance that brand brings.

There are many types of dental implants on the market, and frankly they are not all made equal.

Generic brand dental implants are risky for two primary reasons:
  • Uncertainty of the quality of the implant itself.
  • Uncertainty of the longevity of the company.

Top Brands

top dental implants brands
The two top brands of dental implants are Neodent (by Straumann) and Nobel Biocare. Nobel Biocare is actually the original manufacturer and designer of All on 4, and their implants are very dependable. Both of them come with lifetime guarantees.

Similarly, generic dental implants would be cheaper in cost than a Nobel Biocare or Straumann implant brand.

Why does it matter? Well, there are hundreds of implant manufacturers, so you should choose the most stable, reputable companies. Your dentist may have a hard time ordering parts for your tooth implant because that manufacturer is no longer in business. Or worse, you could get stuck for the rest of your life with teeth implants that may not have any matching implant abutments.

You also want your dental implants to be widely recognizable anywhere. Any dentist can repair or restore your dental implants if something happens in the future.

Plus, top dental implant brands perform better. You wouldn’t want to be surprised that the cheap dental implants your paid for where generic implant brands. You’re already saving significantly by traveling abroad for dental implants. Avoid penny pinching and get the best material money can buy.
Choosing a well-known company decreases the risk of complications in the future.
That’s why our dentists stick to the best dental implant brands to avoid this issues.

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