Porcelain Veneers in Turkey

Package dental treatment in Istanbul clinics with affordable turkish dentists pre-vetted by a UK-based company.

Cost Include:
  • Consultation and an X-Ray
  • Tartar Removal and Tooth Filling
  • Temporary Veneers and Permanent Porcelain Veneers
  • Accommodation and Airport Transfer
  • Language Support
Porcelain Veneers in Turkey

Package dental treatment in Istanbul clinics with affordable turkish dentists pre-vetted by a UK-based company.

Cost Include:
  • Consultation and an X-Ray
  • Tartar Removal and Tooth Filling
  • Temporary Veneers and Permanent Porcelain Veneers
  • Accommodation and Airport Transfer
  • Language Support

Porcelain Veneers in Turkey

Package dental treatment in Istanbul clinics with affordable turkish dentists pre-vetted by a UK-based company.

Cost Include:
  • Consultation and an X-Ray
  • Tartar Removal and Tooth Filling
  • Temporary Veneers
  • Permanent Porcelain Veneers
  • Accommodation and Airport Transfer
  • Language Support



Veneers are suitable for people who need a partial or full smile makeover procedure, with minor teeth defects such as discolouration, minor cosmetic damage to their teeth, or disproportionately large spaces between teeth

Timeline: one 5-day trip

Dental Trip Process

Send us your X-ray (if available) + photos of your teeth via our "Free Consultation" button to book a consultation time and get a treatment plan.
Tips to get dental photos at home.
Treatment Plan & Scheduling
After the consultation, you will receive a treatment plan by email.
When you will get your treatment plan, contact us to agree on the trip date and get all necessary recommendations.
Flight & Transfer
Book a two-way ticket to the Istanbul Airport (IST or SAW) by yourself at least two weeks in advance, and tell us the booking dates.
We will book a hotel for you in the vicinity of the clinic and arrange the arrival/departure airport transfer.
You will have a room at a 4-star or 3-star hotel. Your first visit to the clinic will take place the next day after your arrival, so you will have time to relax after the flight. If you want to bring guests with you, please let us know in advance, and we will book suitable rooms and include them in your bill.
First Consultation at the Clinic
Our dentists will examine you and make an X-ray, then they will revise and discuss the treatment plan with you one more time. After that we can sign a medical agreement and start the treatment with your consent.
The treatment process proceeds according to the steps described above.
During the treatment, you will receive all the necessary medicines and recommendations from the dentist.
Meals During Treatment
If your treatment involves a special diet, then we can arrange the delivery of food to your hotel (at an additional charge). Or you can eat at restaurants following the dentist's dietary recommendations.
5 years warranty on all dental work such as implants, veneers or crowns.

The warranty is valid under condition that you:

  • Perform the general oral hygiene
  • Follow the post-treatment instructions from the dentist
  • Have a routine dental check-up and professional cleaning at least once a year

About Us

DentistryScanner is a UK-based Company Helping Find Qualified Dentists in Turkey
Own network of pre-vetted dentists
Zero-Mistake Policy applied to dentists
Treatment according to YOUR needs

Let's Discuss and Quote Your Treatment

30 minutes video or phone call


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